IF 1895 A Poem by Rudyard Kipling

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Narrated by Daniel Avi Avinash • A personal note to you: • I truly hope this poem instills into you lessons that will help you grow into maturity and make you a better person. A person better than you were yesterday. • Daniel Avi Avinash • In this poem, Mr Kipling writes to his son the way he needs to think and behave in order to eventually become a man . His overall point is that maturing into manhood isn't simply an age factor but rather an attitude and what you truly stand for in life.The values you uphold when you are alone and need the decide an outcome. What are the values that have influenced your mind? This poem outlines those values, rules, or rather the If's , that will mould your mind into maturity. • Indian writer Kushwant Singh considers this poem the essence of the message of The Gita in English . The words If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same appears above the tunnel that leads to Wimbledon's Centre Court. It is surely a poem that has inspired and chastised countless leaders, politicians, soldiers, and sports stars to to discipline and humility. • Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865 in India. He is the author of the fiction The Jungle Book and many other works. • Music: Begin Our Life by Adrian Walther (used with permission) • Recorded and produced in Melbourne, Australia by Daniel Avi Avinash • #poetry #rudyardkipling #poem #wisdom


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