Windows Server 2012r2 Server Manager Add Servers
Windows Server 2012r2 - How to Add Servers in Server Manager • Server Manager in Windows Server 2012 R2 has the ability to manage other servers from the same interface on a remote computer. It can be used for a number of reasons - some of them include adding and removing features, managing disks and storage pools, remote administration and a lot more. • It is a simple procedure to add other servers to server manger and this video shows how. • • For more visit: • • • Transcript (machine generated so it contains errors) • Hello and welcome back in this video, let's have a look at how to manage other servers here in our forest are the main cause I get very simply, we can open up store manager which oozed this over here. Otherwise, go there and the consequent manager and it opens up very first screen has had other servers to manage. So all we need to do is go over there and this is the domain we got like a and we can find the computer. In this case we are given a name. Okay, there we go instantly and finds it right click on their national rightly to split. Click okay and that at a pivotal time to get set up once it has we just, here, and as you can see absolutely over there. We have our server 005 okay, now if we want to say do something on it we could add roles features restore the computer to management on a day to a remote desktop connection into lady, no windows, power shower, configure most of the stuff that we would want to get a K9 is an example will show you how to add something will add something very very simple. We thus make sure that's the one that was selected like a man the now Service and Very good. Click next and restart the destination server automatically requires good practice arm. However it about mission-critical things on there a need to be so little time down like a very good and as you can see from here were basically doing what we could do. Once we were in for the computer but were now doing all about the farm. Our main shall we say computer where will be doing all management asked a hopefully that has helped arm as watching