WCW Managing Diabetic Foot Ulcers Debridement and Classifying Ulcers
#toenails #dcfootdoctor #toenailfungus #takecareofyourfeet #callus #podiatry #top10 #sheabutter #washingtondc #nailfungus #howto #myfeetarekillingme #feet #ingrowntoenail #doctors #best #dcdoctors #gout #beforeandafter #fungalnails #trending #podiatrist #youtubedoctors #telemedicine #telehealth #youtubedoctor #Health #Wellness #Lifestyle #medical #oddlysatisfying #asmr #medicalschool #footdoctor #districtofcolumbia #dc #2021 • A homeless man in his late 50s returns for foot care. Since he is in a housing program, he no longer lives on the street. Because of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), he has severe dryness of the skin, thick calluses, and fissures in his feet. Nearly two months ago, the fissures had progressed to full thickness wounds. Fortunately, they healed successfully. • After this extended visit, his feet are completely transformed as the calluses, dry skin, and fissures are removed. • Music: Quangerine Cream by Noir et Blanc Vie • Subscribe to my channel: https://bit.ly/2N2a2R0 • Kevin E. Jefferson, DPM • Metropolitan Podiatry Associates, PLLC • 7603 Georgia Avenue NW, Suite 100 • Washington, DC 20012 • 202-882-9682 • contact me at [email protected] • Footbot Cleanser: https://shop.myfootbot.com • Promo Code DCFOOTDOC for 20% discount • To schedule a live, private telemedicine consultation with me, click on https://dcfootdoctor.square.site to book an appointment and to pay the fee. Health insurance is accepted for this service for residents of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Medicare recipients may use their insurance from all states during the COVID-19 crisis. • Office website is www.metropodiatry.net • Follow me on • Instagram: / dcfootdoctor • Twitter: / dcfootdoctor • Facebook: / dcfootor • Kevin E. Jefferson, DPM is a practicing podiatrist, foot surgeon and wound care specialist licensed in Washington, DC and Maryland. The content depicted on this channel consists of foot care provided to actual patients. All procedures shown should be performed by a licensed medical professional, and are not meant as a substitute for medical care or do-it-yourself instruction.