GOLDENDOODLE BREEDER DAY IN THE LIFE what its like raising 10 goldendoodle puppies
Hey guys! So if you're new here you may not know that I run a small in-home goldendoodle breeding program! I thought it would be fun to do a breeder day in my life to show you what it looks like day to day raising 10 goldendoodle puppies! I realize not everyone agrees with breeding, but please be assured that our puppies are raised ethically and reputably in our home and any and all negative feedback will be removed! xoxo, Bailey • Rose and Reid Doodles website: • Instagram @roseandreiddoodles • Facebook @RoseandReidDoodles • Music by Mark Generous - Meganne - • Music by Goosetaf - Bumblebee - • Business Inquires: [email protected] • SOCIAL MEDIA • Instagram @thebaileywilliams • Twitter @BaileyGoforth • TikTok @baileyegoforth4 • DISCOUNT CODES • Muse Only Yoga Bailey 10 • HitchSwitch BAILEYEGOFORTH10 • Ana Luisa Baileyg10 • DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you so much for supporting me so I can keep making content for you guys!