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Selamun aleyküm, dear friends, and welcome to Aşıklar Şehri! Today, we will talk about one of the most significant figures in the spiritual world, Abdülkadir Geylani (k.s.). His trust in Allah, patience, and complete submission have inspired generations. • The Life and Spiritual Legacy of Abdülkadir Geylani • Abdülkadir Geylani was a prominent Islamic scholar and Sufi master of the 11th century. On his journey of knowledge, he reached divine love, guiding people to the right path and enlightening their hearts. One of his most striking characteristics was his absolute trust in Allah and profound understanding of Tawakkul (reliance on God). • Throughout his life, Abdülkadir Geylani never despaired in the face of difficulties, always seeking refuge in Allah. Once, during a journey with his students, they lost all provisions. While his students panicked, he calmly said, “Do not worry, Allah is sufficient for us!” And, indeed, help came from an unexpected source, demonstrating Allah’s providence. • The Importance of Tawakkul • Abdülkadir Geylani’s life teaches us the immense power of Tawakkul. It’s not just about waiting with patience but also working hard and leaving the results to Allah. Facing challenges with the conviction that “My Lord is sufficient for me!” brings peace to the soul and confidence to the heart. • His teachings serve as a guide for those lost in today’s fast-paced world. By embracing Tawakkul, we can overcome both worldly and spiritual struggles. • Join This Spiritual Journey! • If you find inspiration in such content, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and like our video. Aşıklar Şehri grows with your support, and every like helps us reach more people. Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments, and tell us what you’d like to see in our next video! 😊 • • #AbdülkadirGeylani #Tawakkul #ManeviYolculuk #Tasavvuf #İslam #AllahSevgisi #Sabır #Teslimiyet #AşıklarŞehri #İlham #ManeviGelişim #Dua #TasavvufiHikayeler