Venompool Unboxing and Duel vs Venom Marvel Contest of Champions
Score and rank results for the Venompool arenas, Unholy Union and Symbiotic Merc. From these arenas I earn and awaken Venompool, the creature from an alternate reality formed from combining Venom and Deadpool. • Bonded with the Venom Symbiote and equipped with swords and a mouth, Venompool has traits from both characters. He can use opponent beneficial effects to his advantage through his first Special Attack, stealing them to trigger his Healing Factor. Venompool's second Special Heal Blocks the opponent for a short duration. If Venompool finishes his dance moves after Special Attack 2, a temporary Crit Rate boost is granted. All of Venompool's Special Attacks have a chance to inflict Bleed. • Venompool's first Special, Symbiotic Smack, animates just like Venom's Constituent Lash, while his second Special is the XL Edition of Deadpool's Spinny Sword Attack. Venompool's third Special combines visual elements from both champions as well. • Venompool's signature ability, Continuity Memory, is a nice enhancement to the character. Every 6 seconds he has a chance to trigger a random beneficial effect! • Skip to 2:27 for champion info or to 3:34 for a duel between Venompool and Venom.