How to Apply Polyurethane Over PaintEasiest Method
How to apply a Polyurethane Top Coat to Painted Furniture for even more details on the products I used as well as the details of this project please visit this post I have written sharing all the details and products used to finish this dresser! • • Supplies (Affiliate links used) • -Triple Thick Polyurethane Top Coat- • -Foam Paint Roller Set- • -Foam Paint Brush Set- • Since painting this dresser I actually tested out a different polyurethane product I think its an even better option and I have made an entire video sharing the details on how I apply it and why I like it so much more if your interested you can find it here: • How to Seal a Chippy Milk Painted Dre... • I have had this dresser for about 5+ years its a great sturdy piece of furniture but after painting it with milk paint and only using a wax to finish it originally I found that the finish didn't hold up over time. This top coat is a great option for sealing your painted furniture projects and making sure they last! • music rights from