DEUTSCHLAND Wirtschaft am Abgrund JobStopp Unternehmen frieren Neueinstellungen ein ifo schockt


GERMAN ECONOMY ON THE BREAK: Job freeze! Companies freeze new hires - ifo shocked! • The current economic situation in Germany means that companies are more cautious about hiring new employees than in the last four years. As a survey by the Munich-based ifo Institute shows, there is a reluctance to hire due to the ongoing economic weakness, especially in industry and trade. The weak order situation in these sectors is forcing companies to scale back their personnel plans. While many companies in the manufacturing and trade sectors are reducing the number of new hires, the IT industry and the tourism sector continue to show themselves as growth areas. These sectors continue to actively search for workers to meet the specific challenges and growing demand. Experts see this development as a clear indication of how the economic situation affects certain sectors differently and how companies are forced to respond to the economic uncertainty. • #economy #economy #worldnewschannel


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