Nissan Sentra Oil Pan How To Remove And Replace


All too often in your Nissan Sentra, you are driving and WHAM!!! A pothole strikes, but little did you know you are slowly loosing oil now. Soon your engine starts making those metallic sounds we all fear. Don't worry! If you pull over, and shut off your engine, you can save it! just call a tow truck and get it home. All you need is a couple sockets (10 mm, 8mm) a ratchet, extension and either a couple ramps or jack stands and you can fix it yourself in no time. It's pretty easy and you'll get an oil change out of it too! Safety glasses and a catch pan are recommended as well but it's a pretty easy job. You should not have to pay a shop or mobile mechanic to do this unless you have to. • I have a Facebook page too! It's oddly more popular than this YouTube channel. •   / attunedauto   • Disclaimer time: • This video is not paid for or sponsored by anyone. I do whatever I want. If you do any of the things I do, please be safer than I am, and maybe not do everything, because I'm kind of crazy. You know what. Just don't do anything I do. It's all dumb. In other words : Don't blame me when you blow your $h*t up and you're all like, WHAAAAAAAAA, BUT WHY!!! I DID IT JUST LIKE HIM!!!! I'm not hearing it you fool. You probably have trash or a blocked oil pickup or whatever. You have to thoroughly clean these when building them, and meticulously seal and plane every surface perfect. Hand tools only when you build it! This turned into a rant quick. Thanks for watching, subbing and all that. I understand if you didn't like the video. It's not for everyone. Only cool people. It' just entertainment really. You don't like it? Bite me. • There might not be ads. (should not be, but can't control everything) • All rights reserved. Anyone wanting to sample clips just contact me and maybe I'll even send you a higher res version. Fine, just sample whatever from here, YT let's you have a button by default hehe. YT tends to blur it a bit I think. • All music is either mine or rights have been bought and paid for by me. Might be a parody in which case section 10, transformative, fair use or whatever. • You're welcome.


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