Ghazi Al Gosaibi مرايا مقابلة مع غازي القصيبي
دبلوماسي أديب وشاعر سعودي. عيّن مستشاراً قانونياً في وزارتي الدفاع والمالية، ثم عميداً لكلية التجارة في جامعة الملك سعود . ثم تسلّم حقائب وزارية منها الصحة والصناعة والكهرباء. واختير سفيراً للسعودية لدى بريطانيا في العام 1992 ليعود في العام 2003 وزيرًا للمياه والكهرباء ومن ثم وزيرًا للعمل. كان لديه اهتمامات إجتماعية عديدة لا سيما في جمعية الأطفال المعوقين . توفي في العام 2010. • أوجد برنامج مرايا أسلوباً جديداً أكثر رقيا للحوار المتلفز، ومن خلاله نجح ريكاردو كرم في أن يقدّم لجمهوره حوارات كشفت الكثير عن الحياة الخاصة لأكثر من ٢٠٠ شخصية عربية وعالمية، فحققت أعلى نسب المشاهدة آنذاك، وصار البرنامج محطة ينتظرها كل راغب في التعرّف الى فصول من حياة تلك الشخصيات وكشف ما خفيَ منها. • Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al Gosaibi, born in 1940, was a Saudi Arabian liberal politician, diplomat, technocrat, poet, and novelist. He was an intellectual and a member of the Al Gosaibi family that is one of the oldest and richest trading families of the Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. He attended the University of Cairo and received a degree in law in 1961. Later, he moved to the United States and graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in international relations in 1964. Al Gosaibi was one of the technocrats in the 1970s who were chosen by the Saudi government for assigning public positions and posts. In 1976, King Khalid appointed him as the minister of industry and electricity. He also served as the minister of health. Al Gosaibi was a member of the honorary committee of Painting Patronage from 2000 to 2010. He also actively participated in the organization of its first and second programs held in London in 2000 and Riyadh in 2001, respectively. He died of colon cancer on 15 August 2010. • “Maraya” took the basic Arabic talk show to new levels where Ricardo Karam explored the personal life of over 200 important guests while gaining the highest television ratings for a show in this category. Aired during peak time, “Maraya” became essential viewing for those who like to know the real story behind the story. • For more information, visit our website: