Assassins Creed Valhalla Kjotves Fortress locked house gold chest A Cruel Destiny
Check out our Assessin's Creed Valhalla Kjotve's Fortress locked house gold chest to see how to get into the tall house in the A Cruel Destiny mission. • When you get to Kjotve's Fortress, you’re bound to encounter this locked house filled with a gold chest. It’s a good one to loot, but it isn’t massively obvious how to get in, unless you’re a real Assassin’s Creed veteran. As it turns out, it’s actually as easy as pie and you can follow along with the video to see where to find the house if you haven’t already and how to get into it. • Make sure you subscribe to our channel for the rest of our Assassin's Creed Valhalla walkthrough videos, plus more gaming guides, big beast fights, hints and tips. You can also check out our social media channels and website with the links below. • Subscribe: • Join: / @releasefire • Facebook: / releasefire • Instagram: / release_fire • Website: • You can read more about Assassin's Creed Valhalla at or with the official AC Twitter page at / assassinscreed . • Remember to hit that like button and share our Assassin's Creed Valhalla Kjotve's Fortress locked house gold chest - A Cruel Destiny video on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest or any other social media channel you use. This is part of our wider series on the open world viking adventure, which will include our boss guides, hints and tips, plus videos on tough sections and the more difficult missions.