How to Use Uva Ursi


Watch more Digestion Stomach Problems videos: • This wild-growing herb has been used for centuries to improve urinary tract issues and resolve bladder infections. Flush away bad bacteria quickly and naturally with various forms of uva ursi. • Warning • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the strength or effectiveness of herbal supplements. Brands may vary in dosage and strength. Always check with a physician before starting an herbal regimen. • Step 1: Take capsules • Take uva ursi capsules by mouth as directed. Capsules are generally 400 to 800 milligrams. Take two capsules up to four times daily and follow package directions. • Tip • Uva ursi is also called bearberry, as bears like to eat the plant's berries. • Step 2: Drink tea • Drink uva ursi tea. Simmer 1 tablespoon of dried leaves in 2 cups of water for 30 to 40 minutes. Strain, and drink 1/2 cup of the tea twice daily; sweeten the tea with with honey if desired. • Tip • Because of potentially dangerous side effects, uva ursi should not be given to children. • Step 3: Make tincture • Try an uva ursi tincture. Take six to 12 drops of the liquid tincture one to three times daily or dilute 1 teaspoon of the tincture in 1 cup of water. Uva ursi tincture, capsules, and tea can be found in natural food stores. • Tip • Until the development of sulfa antibiotics, uva ursi was a common treatment for bladder and related infections. • Step 4: Limit duration of use • Avoid using uva ursi for more than five consecutive days. Hydroquinone, a key chemical in uva ursi, can be toxic to the liver. Long-term use can cause serious liver damage. • Step 5: Know side effects • Know that side effects may include nausea and vomiting, irritability, and insomnia. Because uva ursi is alkaline, limit acidic foods like citrus, pineapple, and tomato when taking uva ursi. • Did You Know? • Sir Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin in 1928 after mold invaded his petri dish and killed the surrounding bacteria.


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