Gas Log Install and Cleaning Soot off Brick
This video concludes the minor adventure that started last January when I discovered my gas log insert was malfunctioning. Instead of trying to repair that 20 year-old manually fired model, we upgraded to a newer generation with better aesthetics and remote control operation. I waited until Autumn so the new logs would not just be sitting idle during the Spring and Summer while the warranty window ticked away. I had the logs professionally installed, but I cleaned the brick around the fireplace myself to remove soot that had built up over the years, either from the old gas logs or from when the fireplace was used to burn wood. Remember, the old log set was installed around 2000, but this house was built in 1967. • The recipe for the cleaner was easy - baking soda and water. Be sure to rinse the brick well to remove all residue and baking soda. It takes patience and lots of elbow grease. • As always, thank you for watching and be sure send me suggestions and requests for projects you would like to see done. • Here is the link to the insert we had installed: