The new Clayton J Lloyd International Airport • Anguilla
The idea of a Commercial International Airport for Anguilla is not new just as the Valley Main Road or the Airport Road, the George Hill Bypass or the solar street lights, like Minimum Wage or removal of duties on prescription medication or giving our seniors free health care at our public health care facilities are not new ideas. The idea of a grand Blowing Point Ferry terminal or upgrading our People’s Market or even the idea of a sporting facility in Blowing Point that is covered from the elements. None of these ideas are new. Neither were the digital nomad program or renewable energy integration or the thrust to develop a fit for purpose cultural center. None of these ideas are new. New Court Sports, upgrades to the coronation park, scholarships in digital media, animation and gaming, music education and building technology are not new ideas. • Neither is the creation of children’s parks across the island, green spaces, modern farming techniques with greenhouses and a hatchery are not new ideas. A drag strip, a first of its kind Yacht Marina, a MRI - diversification of our tourism offerings through new initiatives such as dive tourism and localized motorized water sports are not new ideas but this is the administration that has done the work to ensure that those ideas of old are realized. Ideas that have been talked about and promised for decades and decades – sometimes up to 50 years are being manifested into reality because of a progressive administration under the leadership of the Right Hon. Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster, who promised to bring about change and today, we present to you the renderings of the most important economic investment project Anguilla has ever seen and that is, the CJLIA. I am especially pleased and grateful with the work that Mr. Kendell Richardson, Avia NG and V-Architecture has done to get us here today. We are not yet done. We are just beginning. With that said, we now unveil the game changer for Anguilla. #anguillafirst #growing #sustainably #together #weareanguilla