Bukas Palad Holy
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Holy • Music by Manoling Francisco, SJ • Arrangement by Palan Reyes • The Sanctus serves as a conclusion to the Preface and as an introduction to the prayer that invokes the Holy Spirit to sanctify bread and wine. • The Sanctus in the liturgy is a song of unity, not just of the militant Church, but of all the creatures of God in heaven and on earth. This is why it is meant to resemble a choir or a symphony --it joins the praises of the Church in heaven and on earth. • The new English translation follows the Latin formulation in that the Trisagion or the Thrice Holy is placed in the upper key. This indicates that Holy, Holy, Holy is a component of the acclamation that stands on its own rather than a simple adjective used to describe God. • Also, the new English translation rewords God of power and might as God of hosts ( hosts meaning an army) in order to communicate better prophet Isaiah's vision of Yahweh Sabaoth, the Lord of the heavenly armies. • The word Hosanna is the Greek form of the Hebrew hosian-na. It is a shout of triumph whose original and literal meaning is Rescue us! Help us! , Save us! , Save, we pray! , May God save! , or Give salvation. The expression is taken from Psalm 118: 25: Save us, we beseech You, O Lord! O Lord, we beseech Thee, give us success! This psalm is part of the Hallel (Psalm 113-118) and, in that context, was recited by the Lord at the Last Supper. (cf. Matthew 26: 30 and Mark 14: 26 explicitly mention that at the end of the meal Jesus and the twelve sung hymns). • Holy, Holy, Holy • Lord God of hosts. • Heaven and earth are full of your glory, • full of your glory. • Hosanna in the highest. • Hosanna in the highest. • Blessed is he who comes in the name • of the Lord. • Hosanna in the highest. • Hosanna in the highest. • Link: • http://www.bukaspalad.com/sites/defau...