Repton Dear Lord and Father of Mankind Kettering Citadel Band
No copyright intended - may this music glorify Gods name. Lyrics below. • This is 'Repton' played by Kettering Citadel Band of the Salvation Army. It is a band tune associated with the words 'Dear Lord and Father of mankind'. This is taken from their CD 'Favourite Hymn Tunes of the Salvation Army Volume 1' released 2013. • The words on-screen are verses 1, 4 and 5. Find below the full 5 verses for this song. • It is a popular hymn within the church. For some, the hymn may seem familiar or be know because of the film Atonement as it is the hymn the soldiers sing on the beaches of Dunkirk. • May God bless you as you listen to the music, and read these words today. • • Lyrics: • 1. Dear Lord and Father of mankind, • forgive our foolish ways; • reclothe us in our rightful mind, • in purer lives thy service find, • in deeper reverence, praise. • 2. In simple trust like theirs who heard, • beside the Syrian sea, • the gracious calling of the Lord, • let us, like them, without a word, • rise up and follow thee. • 3. O sabbath rest by Galilee, • O calm of hills above, • where Jesus knelt to share with thee • the silence of eternity, • interpreted by love! • 4. Drop thy still dews of quietness, • till all our strivings cease; • take from our souls the strain and stress, • and let our ordered lives confess • the beauty of thy peace. • 5. Breathe through the heats of our desire • thy coolness and thy balm; • let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; • speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire, • O still, small voice of calm. • • To buy this tune or the whole CD visit SP S tunes: • God bless