SHARPNESS 1000 Diamond Sword WITH NAME COLOURS and LORE Tutorial
Command (1.14.4+ or post the screwing up of the command system): /give @p diamond_sword{display:{Name: [{\\ text\\ :\\ Bane of Area 51\\ ,\\ color\\ :\\ green\\ ,\\ italic\\ :false}] ,Lore:[ {\\ text\\ :\\ Creeper, Aw Man\\ ,\\ color\\ :\\ red\\ ,\\ italic\\ :true} ]},Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness, lvl:1000}]} 1 • Apologies for the confusion in the video but since I've been able to incorporate both bold and italic booleans and multiple enchantments whilst working on a map. Here is another example command featuring both: • /give @p iron_sword{display:{Name: [{\\ text\\ :\\ The Sword of Elendil\\ ,\\ color\\ :\\ green\\ ,\\ bold\\ :\\ true\\ ,\\ italic\\ :\\ false\\ }] ,Lore:[ {\\ text\\ :\\ Forged from the shards of Narsil\\ ,\\ color\\ :\\ aqua\\ ,\\ italic\\ :true} ]},Unbreakable:0,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness, lvl:2},{id:unbreaking, lvl:5}]} 1 • Valid Minecraft Colours: • • Change the name text, • Change the Lore text, • Change the colours, • Give it italics and/or bold or don't • Watch My Speedruns!: