How To Use The Lensmeter Verification of A Complete Bifocal Pair


Learn how to use the lensmeter to read both the distance and near prescription powers of a pair of mounted lined bifocal lenses. This lesson includes reading the lens sphere power, cylinder power, axis and add power. Video highlights how to check a binocular PD and bifocal segment height. The Learn the Lensmeter kits are available for OpticianWorks Total Access members to check out. Instructions for requesting yours are in the OpticianWorks lesson on using the lensmeter (focimeter, vertometer). Each kit contains various types of lenses, frame fronts and assignments, to give you the ability to gain some practical experience. Learn More: • Connect with us: •   / opticianworks   • This week, we learn how to use the lensmeter to read both the distance and near prescription powers of a pair of mounted lined bifocal lenses. This lesson includes how to use the lensometer to read the lens sphere power, cylinder power, axis and add power. We demonstrate the use of back vertex power when verifying a lined bifocal. Video highlights how to check a binocular patient pupillary distance and how to measure a bifocal segment height. Verification of lined bifocal lenses or lined multifocal lenses is part of the job of any optician. Opticians use the lensmeter to verify lenses. The lens verification process is also known as lens final inspection or glasses final inspection. The Learn the Lensmeter kits are available for OpticianWorks Total Access members to check out. Instructions for requesting yours are in the OpticianWorks lesson on using the lensmeter (focimeter, vertometer). Each kit contains various types of lenses, frame fronts and assignments, to give you the ability to gain some practical experience. Learn More: • • This video lesson is sponsored by Laramy-K Optical • Laramy-K Optical is a digital uncut and coating lab unlike any other. The only exclusively uncut lab in the country; we provide our customers with independent, high-end alternatives to corporate brands. Through craftsmanship, technology, and independent, innovative vendors like Younger, IOT, A R, and Quantum Innovations we offer our customers the Integrity portfolio of freeform lenses and coatings. Made in the USA, the Integrity brand is not a generic house-brand, but is the absolute best available, designed to give the wearer that “wow!” experience. • In addition to the digital line, we still offer conventional surfacing, including glass. Maintaining traditional equipment gives our customers vastly more flexibility in their dispensing, particularly when it comes to more difficult prescriptions. • Learn More:


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