13b Construct Expression Tree from prefix notation
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Op0hpYho56Q
In this video, I have discussed about how to construct an expression tree(binary tree) from prefix notation(preorder traversal) • The algorithm used is, we traverse prefix notation from start to end and check whether the curr element is operator or operand, if it is operator, we construct a node and recursively construct its left and right subtree, whereas if it is an operand, we construct a node and then return that node. • Article • 1) Geeks for Geeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/buildin... • Playlist on binary tree data structure: • Trees Data Structure - [Important top... • SDE Placement Strategy: • SDE Placement Strategy || Interview P... • Linkedin: / kashish-mehndiratta • Instagram: / kashish__mehndiratta1 • I hope you liked my video, do subscribe to my channel to get the updates of my latest uploads. • #binarytree #datastrucuture #algorithm #interviewquestions #placement #internship