Poltergeist 1982
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=OqOEyzoGjNc
THEY'RE HERE! • What's up everybody? In today's episode we are talking about the 1982 classic Poltergeist . We discuss the in's and out's of this beloved horror movie. We are pretty sure everyone has seen this and if you haven't you should rush out right now and pick up a copy. We get into some of the tragic stories surrounding this movie as well as some of the great things that have come from it. Please, sit back and take a listen. Hope you enjoy, and as always ... keep it creepy. • / thehorrorchroniclespodcast • Intro music written and performed by; FUNGONEWRONG • / fungonewrongmusic • Outro music written and performed by: LUNATIC • / lunaticmetal