Rio Replay Dressage Individual Grand Prix Freestyle
Join our Discord: / discord • Support me on Patreon: / balticempire • Amber has been used as a currency in the Baltic, ever since the Neolithic Era. During the Bronze Age, a trade network opened up between the Baltic and Mediterranean, the northeners exchanging their amber for bronze: the material with which to advance their societies. So too would the road transfer cultural and religious trends. This is a video on how concepts deemed relatively modern to us, like international trade and currency, would appear considerably older. • Sources: • Stenen som flyter och brinner - Åke Dahlström Leif Brost • Finlands Historia - Torsten Edgren, Lena Törnblom • Amber in the Ancient Near East - Graciela Gesto Singer • The Balts and Amber - Eugenijus Jovaiša • Connected Histories: the Dynamics of Bronze Age Interaction and Trade 1500–1100 BC - Kristian Kristiansen and Paulina Suchowska-Ducke • Prehistoric Routes between Northern Europe and Italy Defined by the Amber Trade - J.M De Navarro • EXCHANGE OF AMBER IN NORTHERN EUROPE IN THE III MILLENNIUM BC AS A FACTOR OF SOCIAL INTERACTIONS - Alexander Zhulnikov • Image sources: • By Emmanuel Boutet - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, • By Anders L. Damgaard - - Baltic-amber-beetle - This file was derived from: Baltic amber inclusions - Ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)8.JPGTransferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Common Good using CommonsHelper.(Original text: Work of Baltic-amber-beetle), CC BY-SA 3.0, • 0:00 Stone Age Amber • 7:31 The First Amber Roads • 12:44 The Roman Amber Road • 15:05 Conclusion • 17:07 gib monies • #history #amberroad #bronzeage #ironage #romantrade