How to Read Nutrition Facts Food Labels Made Easy
To support our channel and level up your health, check out: • Our Fast Weight Loss Course: • Our Better Health Basics Course: • Today I am going to teach you guys how to read nutrition facts labels. One of the best ways to improve your health quickly is by learning how to read nutrition labels. • The first thing you’ll notice at the top of nutrition facts are the serving size and servings per container. • This is simply the “amount” in the package or container. • Pretty self explanatory... • Next you have the ingredients. • Everything inside these black lines is representative of ONE serving. • This is important to understand because, next you will see the calories and the calories from fat. • This is pretty much the only thing most people ever look at and this is a common mistake… • If the package says 200 calories on the bag of chips, but the serving per container says 2.5, that means there is actually 500 calories in the bag… • This is a clever little marketing trick that you should pay attention to. • Pressing on, you will see the total fat on the package along with a number and a percentage on the right hand side. • The number represents the total fat in one serving and percentage represents the percentage based on a 2000 calorie diet. • So 8 gram is 12% of a 2000 calorie diet. • I should also remind you that fat is not bad for you and there are plenty of healthy foods that are high in fat. • What you really want to watch out for is any trans fat. • Trans fat is the kind linked to heart disease and all sorts of bad stuff. Avoid this at all costs. • Saturated fat should be much less of a concern. • This may surprise some of you, so I will link a few studies below that have conclusively proven that saturated fat is fine to eat and not the cause of the many diseases it was wrongly accused for. • Think of saturated fat as the middle child of the fat family, he’s got a good heart but is just a little misunderstood. • Now, you may be thinking, wait a minute… • Why does the total number of saturated fat and trans fat not add up to the total fat at the top… • Where’s the other 7 grams? • Well this is because not all fats will be listed on the nutrition label. • Only the nutrients deemed most important ever make it to the nutrition labels. • Don’t worry though. • The other fats not listed are generally healthy and should be much less of a concern. • Pressing on you will see cholesterol and sodium. • Remember, these numbers are based on ONE serving. • If the sodium was 25% of your daily intake and the package had 2.5 servings in it. That means the entire package contains 63% of you daily sodium intake. • Quite a bit considering this is one snack. • Onward, you’ll sees the carbohydrate section. • Carbohydrates are the breads, grains, fiber and SUGARS in the food. • The first section you’ll see is for dietary fiber. • Having a good amount of dietary fiber is a good thing as it helps with digestion and satisfaction from meals. • Now the next section is what you need to pay attention to. • The total sugars in the food you’re eating are important to watch out for as, like the trans fats, these have been linked to a whole host of diseases and health problems. • Also you should be aware of not only the sugar in the food, but what kind of carbohydrates you’re eating. • If the food is very high in carbohydrates, but low in dietary fiber, even though the carbs are not labeled as “sugar,” they will operate very similarly in the blood stream. • These are called “simple carbs.” • This is why you need to watch out for unrefined carbohydrates like white bread and pastas. • Next up, you’ll see the label for protein. • Knowing that foods high in protein lead to better satisfaction from meals, and promote lean muscle tissue, you will want most of the foods you eat to have a good amount of protein. • Finally, we have a few key vitamins at the bottom. • It may sound strange, but ignore these. • The numbers will be notoriously low and you should be focusing instead on getting in lots of fruits and vegetables every day to meet your vitamin requirements. • Leafy greens contain calcium and iron, and fruits contain vitamin c and a. • The rest of the nutrition labels facts contain recommendations about how much of each category to get in. • They do not change on nutrition labels and are not that important. • Finally, on some labels you will see the calories per gram for each macronutrient. • Fat contains 9 grams per serving and Carbohydrates and Proteins contain 4. • So for every 10 grams of fat, you will have 90 calories. For every 10 grams of protein or carbs you will get 40 calories. • Safe to say, you should now have a general understanding of how nutrition labels work. • Most importantly, you can stop assuming something is healthy for you based on tricky packaging and start KNOWING the difference.