RearFoot Elevated Split Squat


The real fix for knee valgus actually isn’t to place a band between the knees, although this is still a common strategy we see employed all over social media. The use of bands to cue movement is nothing new, but as with anything in the industry, tools have a tendency to be applied without the essential critical thinking about the reasons behind their use. • For example, a common strategy to fix knees caving in during squats is using a band around the knees to help cue “knees out”. Another example is using a band at the knee on a split squat to pull the knee in, also to cue “knee out”. • The idea behind using bands as feedback is that if we exaggerate the fault, it will cue the client to correct the fault. The client will need to work harder to overcome the additional resistance of the band. If we place a band around the knees, we cue people to push the knees out harder to prevent the faulty mechanics of the knee caving in, right…? • But the problem isn’t always mechanics, and specifically it isn’t knee mechanics. Sometimes the problem is strength elsewhere. • Does applying resistance to something that’s already weak sound like a good idea? • I should hope not. • YOUR KNEE IS BETWEEN YOUR FOOT AND YOUR HIP • Granted, that statement is at best, considerably basic anatomy. What I really mean to say is that the knee being an intermediate joint, it highly depends on the hip and the foot for optimal alignment. • A study by Bittencourt et al. (2012) analyzed the contribution of forefoot alignment, passive hip internal rotation and hip abduction torque to frontal plane knee projection (or knee valgus) angles during a single-leg squat and in landing from a vertical jump. The first predictors of high frontal plane knee projection were hip abduction torque for the single-leg squat, and forefoot alignment for the landing task. • This just goes to show the importance of both the foot and the hip in optimal knee alignment. • Check out the full article at: • To learn how to efficiently integrate all of these concepts into your programming, check out our Movement Optimization for Prehab and Performance Course by heading to using the link below. • For more videos on training fundamentals and rehab, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at the link below and don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published. • Want to pick my brain? Drop your questions in a comment


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