Lexus LX470 Headlight Upgrade
Lexus LX470 and 100 Series Land Cruiser owners know that the OEM head lights are less than desirable. No need to continue driving with those orange glow halogen bulbs. This is a perfect modification to you 100 Series Land Cruiser or LX470. • • This video is an install and review of the LasFit Auto Lighting LED bulbs for the Lexus LX470. • Lasfit not only sells LEDs for the LX470 and Toyota 100 series Land Cruiser, they offer LED's for a bunch of makes and models. • Head over to Lasfit • Use code lx_plore10 for a 10% discount. • Or check out my Amazon affiliate link to purchase the bulbs - • Thanks again for watching the video! • Please hit that like button and consider subscribing. • John • LXPlore