How To Delete a Page In Word
Learn how to Delete a Page In Microsoft word; sometimes the page you want to delete has words on it and sometimes it's a blank page. • • Facebook: / • Twitter: / webpro_e • My Set up: • • • SCRIPT: • How To Delete a Page In word: • Simply delete the contents of the page an the page will be automatically deleted by Microsoft Word. • • How To Delete a Blank Page In Word : • Blank pages in Word can be particularly annoying; especially when they form on the middle of your document. The look so unprofessional. • To delete them, go ahead and try the most basic thing. Delete the empty space in those blank pages. • Either put the cursor at the top and use ‘Delete’ or at the bottom and use ‘Backspace’ I like to use back space. • So go to the blank page, put your mouse at the lowest part of the page, and you can start back spacing at the point where your cursor starts to blink….. • Sometimes the blank pages are caused by page breaks which you can’t see. So when you Delete a page you thought was blank, it changes the whole layout and the document looks weird. • You need to click on Home-----Then click on the Paragraphs icon to see where each paragraph is on your document…..then you’ll also be able to see page breaks. • To remove a page break, select it and tap and back space.