De Kluis18 4 Winston Dio amp Bo
Will the robbers manage to outsmart TeamSTUK, crack the Safe, and secure the loot in time? Do you want to crack De Kluis and have a chance to win big prizes? Then quickly search for the code, fill it in at and play along! (Participation: 18+) • Made possible by: • The National Postcode Lottery • TEAM OVERVALLERS • Winston Gerschtanowitz / winstongerschtanowitz • Dio / diorno • Bo Maerten / bomaerten • • GAME RULES • Guards • Giel, Thomas and Stefan are guards. They must prevent the loot from being stolen. This loot is in 1 of the 4 safes at the location. The guards must be alert 24 hours a day, 10 days. At any time of the day, a team of robbers can try to make a squat. The guards eat / sleep / live at the location. They may not come outside the walls of the site. • Robbers • Every episode, a team of three Dutch celebrities will try to crack the safe. The guards have no idea who will come and when they will strike. • The robbers get 1 hour to prepare their robbery from a secret bunker. They have various gears that they can use in their robbery: a multi-tool with a knife, a flashlight, tie-rips, tape, rope, bags, maps, photos, clothing and two-way radios. They move to the location of their robbery with a bus equipped with a video screen and a clock. When they connect their video screen to the surveillance images of the location, the clock starts and the game starts. They get 2 hours to perform the perfect robbery. • Profit loss • The robbers win when they manage to get half or more of the 70 gold bars (35 or more gold bars) outside the walls of the location. If that does not work, or if all robbers are disabled, TeamSTUK will win. • The safe • 1 of the 4 safes contains 70 gold bars. The other safes contain only 1 gold bar. The gold is regularly moved out of sight of TeamSTUK. Nobody knows in what safe the loot is. • The Diamond • There is another interesting object for the robbers to get. In the middle of the location, under the watchful eye of TeamSTUK, there is a diamond. This has a value of 15 gold bars. • Benefits / items • At the location only objects have been placed that the robbers can try to get hold of. They can make their robbery easier with: • 0 An airsoft weapon. This allows the robbers to try to eliminate one or more of the guards. • 0 A radio, tuned to the communication channel of the guards. The robbers can therefore listen in, or interfere with communication. • 0 A map. During the preparation, the robbers got a code. This code is actually the coordinate of the Vault containing the 70 gold bars. But in order to find out which Vault it is, one will have to take a good look at the map that is under the supervision of TeamSTUK. • 0 Video surveillance cable. When the robbers cut this cable, the video surveillance at the location is switched off. • Disable robbers • When a robber is hit by a bullet, or is overpowered, he or she is arrested by TeamSTUK. They are tied to a chair in the middle of the location. But if they could find a way to escape from that situation, then TeamSTUK would check it out. • If all three of the robbers have been arrested, they lose the game. • Disable guards • When a guard is hit by a bullet, he is out of the game. The guard may serve the game in the control room. He can still help his colleagues via the radio. • If all three guards are eliminated, the robbers have free play and they only have to worry about the time. • The time • The robbers get 2 hours time When the time is over, the game stops. Only the gold that is outside the walls of the location at the end of the game counts. • 10,000 euros • The winning team may donate 10,000 euros to a charity of their choice, thanks to the National Postcode Lottery. • 20,000 euros • The team that has performed best at the end of this season of De Kluis will receive a bonus of 20,000 euros for their charity. • -------------------------------------------------- ------------ • STUKTV WEBSHOP: • • FOLLOW us on Instagram: • / stuktv • TeamSTUK • Giel: / giel • Thomas: / thooootje • Stefan: / stefanstuktv • SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: • / stuktv • #safe #piecetv #teampiece • Help us caption translate this video! •