Canary Islands Lanzarote Cueva De Los Verdes
By Marco Petruzzelli • • Cueva de los Verdes is a lava tube and tourist attraction of the Haria municipality on the island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands (Spain). The cave lies within the Monumento Natural del Malpaís de La Corona, a protected area of the Canary Islands. • The cave was created around 3,000 years ago by lava flows erupted from the nearby volcano Monte Corona, flowing across the Malpaís de la Corona toward the sea. The lava streams cooled on top, developing a solid crust, before the lava drained away leaving the top part as the roof of a cave. In about 20 spots, the roof of the cave collapsed, forming a cavern known locally as a jameo. The caves extend for 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) above sea level and for another 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) below the sea (the Tunnel de la Atlantida). • One jameo forms the entrance to the Cueva de los Verdes. Two kilometres of the cave system were developed for tourists in the 1960s, with the cave walls illuminated by colorful lights. • The cave is also famous for its concert hall which is located near the entrance and exit of the cave. The concert hall has about 15 to 20 rows with 26 seats in each row, allowing up to 500 people in the concert hall at once. • In earlier centuries, inhabitants throughout Lanzarote hid in this cave to protect themselves from European pirates and Muslim slave raiders. • La cueva de los Verdes è una grotta situata sull'isola di Lanzarote. È uno dei tratti del gran tubo lavico derivante dall'eruzione del vulcano Monte Corona. Nella cueva de los Verdes, si può osservare una grotta formata da due gallerie sovrapposte, vi si succedono corridoi, labirinti, lagune sotterranee e abissi apparentemente senza fondo, il tutto abilmente illuminato per far risaltare le forme e i colori della lava solidificata. • Migliaia di lanzarotes si rifugiarono nelle sue viscere nei secoli passati per salvare la vita durante gli attacchi dei pirati che devastavano l'isola. Una delle gallerie più ampie ospita un auditorium, con capacità di mille persone, nel quale si celebrano in forma sporadica diverse manifestazioni musicali. • LANZAROTE: EL MIRADOR DEL RIO • • LANZAROTE, EL MIRADOR DEL RIO • LANZAROTE: PARQUE NATIONAL DE TIMANFAYA • • LANZAROTE: PARQUE NACIONAL DE TIMANFAYA • LANZAROTE: LAGO VERDE - EL GOLFO - • • LANZAROTE: EL GOLFO, IL LAGO VERDE