quotCONCUSSIONquot Movie Made Me FURIOUS CTE Post Concussion Syndrome
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=P0EsJoMfZhY
Furious doesn't BEGIN to describe how angry I am, after what I learned watching this movie! This is a personal video, and maybe not what you might expect... • My Best Subwoofers page: • http://www.subwoofer101.com/best-subw... • Concussion with Will Smith: • https://amzn.to/2Dqutlh • The Ghost In My Brain book: • https://amzn.to/2Gpom1j • Trouble reading? Me too. Audible makes a LOT of sense. (free trial with this book, supports this channel): https://amzn.to/2UMhsx3 • My channel is about home theater, and watching Concussion was something I might not have done if it weren't for this channel. As angry as it made me, I'm glad I did. • Post Concussion Syndrome can come on slowly over the course of a few years, and that's exactly what happened to me. I was ambitious, and not one to let an injury to slow me down. My condition was NOT well supervised. • I pushed myself so hard after the concussion that I likely made it far worse than it might have been otherwise, had I let the concussion heal properly. • To reiterate, **I'm not a doctor**! This is about awareness, not diagnosis. • I'm a VERY FRUSTRATED PATIENT, trying to raise awareness. All it would have taken for me is to hear the term Post Concussion Syndrome once, *just once*, in the last 18 years, and my radar would have gone off. • That's all it took, one mention, and I was all over it. EVERYTHING make sense now. • The BIGGEST ROADBLOCK I see to people with this condition is the pervasive, HARMFUL opinion that post concussion syndrome only lasts a year. • It's such a dangerous opinion, that it might be responsible for suicides. Some PCS patients understandably can't tolerate the condition. If they can't get medical support on top of that, the resulting frustration can ultimately be fatal. • For medical professionals, Identifying MTBI, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: • Identifying mTBI 8: Screening for Bra... • For me, just knowing what's wrong has already had an impact. • Thanks to the Facebook support group, I've started taking Magnesium Glycinate (https://amzn.to/2Vg7404) instead of regular magnesium, and L-Theanine (https://amzn.to/2V7lujh), and I have gotten better sleep already. • They really help reduce racing thoughts, and seems to reduce the Fight or Flight response. It's a nice chill pill, without side effects as far as I can tell. • Here is the support group I mentioned: • / 108398302515255 • I also just ordered this ice hat for cooling the old CPU (brain): https://amzn.to/2Iynifk • So by not cooling my head, and not being aware of the main problem, I've inadvertently made myself more miserable than necessary. • If you don't know what you're fighting, chances of success are slim. I have a LONG road ahead, but at least there are treatments that may help. • One thing to note is that even with old injuries like mine, if you can identify the deficits, such as particular vision issues, balance issues, etc... you could use exercises to correct the deficiencies, and you could achieve better quality of life. If you never address the deficits, they may never get better. • I'm not counting on full recovery, but I expect some improvement. Just understanding limitations is super valuable. • In case you are wondering, it's not a typo in the video, 5 to 15 hours *Per Month* is the amount of time I can put into my channel, and even that can be too much. I have done more, but it was miserable. • Cerebral work drains me. Every video represents several days of recovery, but I truly love the topic, and the positive feedback from viewers is encouraging. • YouTube may not be the smartest choice of occupation, since the occasional rude comment can set me back a few days, but I usually brush it off. • As I've stated before, I have a very kind and polite audience in general, and I can't express how much I appreciate my viewers and subscribers. • I have an abundance of topics to shoot, easily enough for over 200+ videos, but it's getting them produced that's the hard part. • Same with the website, I have several topics to write, and some have taken months to finish. As always, I do what I can, when I can, making hay while the sun shines . I just don't get much sun . • The brain is a valuable thing. Funny how little we focus on it compared to other parts of the body, and here is a hilarious, real world example: • Brain concussion - Shake it and you b... • Subconcussive hits can still damage the brain: • https://concussionfoundation.org/CTE-... • Light and sound sensitivity, which may explain my sensitivity to sealed subwoofers: • • Light Sound Sensitivity | Post-Conc... • Clark Elliot, a concussion stole my life (author of A Ghost In My Brain): • A Concussion Stole My Life Clark El... • Thanks for your patience, my regular videos will resume shortly. The Prime Pinnacles are really nice BTW, and I'll be covering them soon! https://sub101.link/Pinnacle • Comment below, especially if you've had a head injury, they are pretty common.