Circa Survive quotMandalaquot
Mandala is from the album On Letting Go, available now. Get the album here: • Lyrics: • Dance with me for I'll be leaving soon • Afterbirth on the keypads overwhelm • Did he who make the lamb make thee? • Help me find its origin • In a cartoon house, with a cartoon car • There are cities buried underneath our cities • Let the people be free, let the people be free • It's all around us • Dance with me for I'll be leaving soon • Afterbirth on the keypads overwhelm • Did he who make the lamb make thee? • Help me find its origin • In a cartoon house, with a cartoon car • There are cities buried underneath our cities • Let the people be free, let the people be free • It's all around us, it's all around • Let the people be free, let the people see • We so obviously had another hand when we're so separate • How do I act like I've made this, when I... • When I... • When I... so obviously had another hand • • Now dance with me for I'll be leaving soon • Afterbirth on the keypads overwhelm • Did he who make the lamb make thee? • What happens when we reach for each other? • • #circasurvive #onlettinggo #mandala