Please watch: bushman prank unexpected situation •    • bushman prank unexpected situation   -~- • #PANATHENAIC_STADIUM #ATHENS #GREECE • The Panathenaic Stadium (Greek: Παναθηναϊκό Στάδιο, or Kallimarmaro (Καλλιμάρμαρο}, is a multi-purpose stadium in Athens, Greece. One of the main historic attractions of Athens, it is the only stadium in the world built entirely of marble. • A stadium was built on the site of a simple racecourse by the Athenian statesman Lykourgos (Lycurgus) c. 330 BC, primarily for the Panathenaic Games. It was rebuilt in marble by Herodes Atticus, an Athenian Roman senator, by 144 AD and had a capacity of 50,000 seats. After the rise of Christianity in the 4th century it was largely abandoned. The stadium was excavated in 1869 and hosted the Zappas Olympics in 1870 and 1875. After being refurbished, it hosted the opening and closing ceremonies of the first modern Olympics in 1896 and was the venue for 4 of the 9 contested sports. It was used for various purposes in the 20th century and was once again used as an Olympic venue in 2004. It is the finishing point for the annual Athens Classic Marathon. It is also the last venue in Greece from where the Olympic flame handover ceremony to the host nation takes place. • The stadium is built in what was originally a natural ravine between the two hills of Agra and Ardettos,[8] south of the Ilissos river. It is now located in the central Athens district of Pangrati, to the east of the National Gardens and the Zappeion Exhibition Hall, to the west of the Pangrati residential district and between the twin pine-covered hills of Ardettos and Agra. Up to the 1950s, the River (now covered by, and flowing underneath, Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue) ran in front of the stadium's entrance, and the spring of Kallirrhoe, the sanctuary of Pankrates (a local hero) and the Cynosarges public gymnasium were nearby. • Αρχικός δημιουργός    / @mytraveljournal6894   • Music: • You may use this video for personal commercial projects. Attribution is not required, but it is appreciated. If you use it in something, I would love to see it. Post this link in your video info like here:    / danai2014   • We created this video using only 'Creative Commons licensed videos', for both the video, and the music. • Share this video with your friends • Don't forget to leave a like and a comment to help get the video shown to more people :) Thank you for watching. • SUBSCRIBE HERE    / @zoipana   • Thanks for watching and comments! • #danai2014 • Share this playlist with your friends: • Playlist creative commons •    • How to peel a pomegranate Πως καθαρίζ...   • Connect with Me On Social Media • Twitter   / danai2014   • Pinterest   / danaimoraiti   • Tumblr • Join my Facebook Group at: • #moreviews • This video is purely for entertainment and recreational purposes. No Copyright infringement intended! All rights go to its rightful owners.


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