The Prime Cog That Bumblebee Gets in Transformers One


#shorts #transformers • The Times Transformers One Referenced the Bayverse Movies. How Transformers One was Inspired by the Bayverse Movies. If there's 1 thing we can agree on its that Transformers One is the ultimate love letter to the fans. The producers did a good job of paying homage to the original lore. That being Generation 1. The designs were clearly inspired after the that specific era. And even though the story deviated from the original series. It still managed to keep core elements in tact. Which many consider a breath of fresh air from the usual Michael Bay live action Transformers movies. But even though those lines of films have garnered mixed views. They still managed to introduce some great ideas. And we'd see them used in Transformers One. Such as Optimus using Shockwave's cannon to attack another enemy similar to Dark of the Moon. Or Megatron ripping Sentinel in two with his bare hands like he did Jazz in Transformers 2007. And last but certainly not least is the notion of the Matrix of Leadership rejecting the unworthy and disintegrating like it did in Revenge of the Fallen.


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