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Tickets now on sale for Once Upon a Deadpool, in theaters December 12: • On December 12, Deadpool 2 is back in theaters with zero F’s given • To kick off the holiday season audiences of almost all ages will soon be able to enjoy the Merc with the Mouth’s reimagining of Deadpool 2 filtered through the prism of childlike innocence. • Fox has been asking for a PG-13 basically since the start in 2006, Ryan Reynolds told Deadline. I've said no since 2006. Now, this one time, I said 'Yes' on two conditions. First, a portion of the proceeds had to go to charity. Second, I wanted to kidnap Fred Savage. The second condition took some explaining... • Fred Savage will join Reynolds in new scenes for ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL in an homage to Savage's starring role in the 1987 bedtime-story classic THE PRINCESS BRIDE. Fred remarked, “while my participation in this film was anything but voluntary, I am happy to learn that Fudge Cancer will be the beneficiary of this shameless cash grab” • For every ticket sold, $1 will go to the charity Fudge Cancer - previously known as Fuck Cancer, who have graciously changed their name to be more PG-13 friendly for the 12 days of Once Upon A Deadpool’s release. • #OnceUponADeadpool • Connect with Deadpool Online: • Like Deadpool on FACEBOOK: • Follow Deadpool on TWITTER: • Follow Deadpool on INSTAGRAM:


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