Animal Song
The Animal Song by Have Fun Teaching is a fun and engaging way to teach and learn all about different types of Animals, including Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Insects. Get unlimited teaching resources: Your kids will have fun as they learn about animals, make animal sounds, and even dance like animals! • Animal Worksheets: • Animal Activities: • This animal song for kids is a fun way to learn animal sounds. Learn the animal sounds for kids with Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Insects! This is the perfect animal song for children is you are looking for an animal sounds song. • ANIMAL SONG LYRICS • Mammals have lungs that breathe the air • Warm-blooded bodies that have fur or hair • Mammals give birth to their living young • Mothers give milk to their daughters and sons • Dogs say, “Ruff” • Cats say, “Meow” • Cows say, “Moo” • Humans say, “Wow” • Monkeys say, “Ooh Ooh Ooh” • Horses say, “Neigh” • Elephants say, “Ppphhh” • Dolphins say, “Click Click Click” • Move like a mammal. Now, dance like a mammal. • Birds have beaks, but they don’t have any teeth • Flying high in the sky and they can walk on two feet • Birds lay eggs and are warm-blooded creatures • They have backbones and they are covered with feathers • Birds say, “Tweet Tweet” • Move like a bird. Now, dance like a bird. • Fish have fins and are covered with scales • They swim in the water and breathe with their gills • Fish skeletons are made of cartilage or bones • They live in freshwater, saltwater, oceans and ponds • Fish say, “Glulp, Glulp” • Fish say, “Wshh Wshh” • Move like a fish. Now, dance like a fish. • Reptiles use their lungs to breathe • They have claws on their feet and use the sun for heat • Reptiles have scales and lay eggs on the land • They are cold-blooded animals with no sweat glands • Snakes say, “Sssss” • Alligators say, “Chomp Chomp” • Move like a snake. Now, dance like a turtle. • Amphibians live on the land and in the water • Their babies have gills, but metamorphosis takes over • Their skin is moist and they don’t have scales • Salamanders can grow back their arms, legs and tails • Frogs say, “Ribbit Ribbit” • Toads say, “Rrraw” • Jump like a frog. Now, dance like a frog. • Insects have an exoskeleton • They have a head, a thorax, and an abdomen • Most have wings, but they all have six legs • They have two antenna and they lay a lot of eggs • Bees say, “Zzzzzzz” • Crickets say, “Chirp, Chirp” • Move like a bug. Now, dance like a bug.