BEWONERS VAN DE WERELD Kopzorgen 10 Migratie en ontwikkelingen
Are we inhabitants of a country of citizens of the world? How do students at Leiden University perceive the challenges surrounding migration and globalisation? Arman, student Public Administration Science, is the son of immigrants. His perspective encompasses both his background and that of a Dutch citizen observing people moving from expats to asylum seekers. According to Rachel, migration could foster a more inclusive society. The fact that one culture may have been present in a location previously does not preclude the coexistence of another. “When cultures meet, it’s always a multiway street” Athos agrees. You will be influenced and you will influence others. In several programmes such as Security Studies Political Science and Public Administration Science, these challenges are examined from different perspectives. What does the problem involve, and what solutions are possible at different levels? • 00:00 Intro topic • 00:24 Are we inhabitants of a country of citizens of the world? • 05:30 Does this topic concern you? • 08:21 How does it reflect in your programme? • *Find a study that suits you: • • • #kopzorgen #migration #migrants #globalisation #conversationstarter #opinion #impact #nieuws #news #newsheadlines #university #leiden #thehague