Why Your Job Sucks
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=PKuBRCK5OLQ
You probably clicked on this because you want to know why your job sucks. Well let me break it down for you. Why we hate our jobs is a question that has many answers for different people, Maybe it takes up too much time, Maybe it's too tiring or requires you to be something your not. Whatever the reason if you work a typical boring minimum wage job #Retailproblems then chances are you hate it and can at the very least relate to something in this video. For this video is about you... and me but mostly me... I mean you. • Patreon - / sgtducky • Twitter - @SgtDucky - / sgtducky • Facebook - / sgtduckyofficial • Merch - https://teespring.com/stores/sgt-ducky • Character Art • RoCata • / rocata001 • Second Channel • / @duckyafterhours