Babbie Mason – What Can Separate You


What a blessed voice and such rich artistry -- What a message! I hope this blesses listeners and they can find their own copy. I understand this song is now on two albums by Babbie Mason, the original, Heritage of Faith, and now, My Best So Far - Volume 1. • • website [email protected] • At posting I found this song nowhere else on YouTube. There is one which seems to be attributed to Babbie but it is not. I had someone at listen to that one on YouTube, and they confirmed, That's not Babbie. But this one is Babbie. Enjoy! • Artist: Babbie Mason • Work: What Can Separate You? • Album: Heritage of Faith / Track 10 / WORD 7019628605 • Words and Music by: Babbie Mason and Donna Douglas • Based on: Romans 8: 35 - 39 • Piano: Cheryl Rogers • String Arrangement: Conni Ellison • Strings: The Nashville String Machine • Conductor: Carl Gorodetzky • Label: WORD • Release Date: 1996 • What Can Separate You? • His love reached from the heavens to the far ends of the earth, to give you life forever, He left no stone unturned. And before the birth of time, Jesus had you on His mind, so you never need to question His concern. • Chorus: • So what can separate you from the precious love of God? Who could ever come against His strong and perfect love? So when you're in the valley, and your nights are cold and lonely, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Remember nothing can separate you from God's love. • He numbers each and every star and calls them all by name. He counts them one by one and sees that they are still in place. If He cares for every star, then He sees right where you are. You can trust you'll never fall from His embrace. • Chorus • So what can separate you from the precious love of God? Who could ever come against His strong and perfect love? So when you're in the valley, and your nights are cold and lonely, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Remember nothing can separate you – • Bridge: • Neither pain or sorrow, not today and not tomorrow, nothing past or nothing present, nothing future, nothing ever. • Chorus • Remember, nothing can separate you from the precious love of God? Remember, nothing could ever come against His strong and perfect love? So when you're in the valley, and your nights are cold and lonely, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Remember nothing, absolutely nothing, oh, remember nothing can separate you from God's love.


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