only omniscience can say


Some months ago I won a film festival, paid for dinner, WON A CLAW MACHINE, graduated, went on a picnic, among other things. I just haven't grown up • I picked up this JVC camcorder that's been collecting dust for over 10 years. We used to use it to record the TV screen. it's made its revival back into y2k culture or whatever but also it's just so much easier to film footage and not care whether things are in focus / lighting / etc. just hit record • ft. text from law case Palsgraf v. Long Island (1928): • “Any philosophical doctrine of causation does not help us. A boy throws a stone into a pond. The ripples spread. The water level rises. The history of that pond is altered to all eternity. It will be altered by other causes also. Yet it will be forever the resultant of all causes combined. Each one will have an influence. How great only omniscience can say. • […] The river, reaching the ocean, comes from a hundred sources. No man may say whence any drop of water is derived. Yet for a time distinction may be possible … But at last, inevitably no trace of separation remains. They are so commingled that all distinction is lost. • [...] We look back to the catastrophe, the fire kindled by the spark, or the explosion. We trace the consequences—not indefinitely, but to a certain point.” • obviously it's in the context of the case but in terms of everything. first off what banger prose. secondly. i mean just read it buddy what can i say ! indescribable longing to know where everything began and eventual acceptance • i'm very glad i started making short films and all this. it's snowballed and although i'm still just a lil guy with a camera there's so much possibility out there, i just dk how much I'm willing to go for it. from wes anderson x wong kar-wai mash ups to hong kong to just finding things to put to music ive produced. i want to be content with things so i'm finding it i think • short film i won:    • MY DINNER WITH DEATH (short film fest...   • recent films i watched: Heat (1995) [rewatched on a big screen. al pacino is like top 10 comics ngl. robert de niro is maybe the sanest one there] ... Irma Vep (1996) [maggie cheung and french people.. im sorry she deserved so much better] ... many MASH tv episodes • #shortfilmfestival #camcorder #studentfilmmaker


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