我蹦什么迪呀!我一个舞蹈家,我需要的空间太大了!脱口秀 搞笑 脱口秀和 ta 的朋友们 单口喜剧 喜剧之王单口季 徐帆
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=POBQxO4LCoE
🔥🔥🔥【2024年度巨献】脱口秀盛宴来袭!🎉🎉🎉《脱口秀和Ta的朋友们》重磅登场!💥💥💥 • 🎤主持人天团:张绍刚、张雨绮、大张伟、陈鲁豫、窦文涛,带你一起笑翻天!🌟🌟🌟 • 👨🎤👩🎤脱口秀达人:呼兰、徐志胜、何广智、颜怡、颜悦、赵晓卉、步惊云、蛋卷、豆豆、贾耗、江梓浩、Kid(基德)、毛豆、孟川、三弟、汪德发、王梓晗、伟大爷、吴豪、吴星辰、小佳、鸭绒、张博洋、张骏、阿力、北多泊亚斯、菜菜、大国手、对儿六、冉榕、高寒、哈哈曹、Harry(哈瑞)、荒岛人气王、继业、李梦杰、吕博伟、漫才兄弟、千千、锐锐、seven(赛文)、山河、山山、卢庚戌、吴鼎、向超、小鱼、于贞、张慧、昭阳、赵越、欣雨,51组实力派演员,用段子为你消解烦恼,分享快乐!🎭🎭🎭 • 🌟【喜剧之王单口季】2024🌟 • 👑主演阵容:郭麒麟、吴镇宇、徐峥、杨天真、蒋龙、庞博、王建国、杨笠、周奇墨、蔡康永、爆爆、陈述、DAVY、东成西就、多多、大老王、戴为、二人站、付航、傅首尔、Hamza、黑灯、卡卡、笼包、刘仁铖、良言、刘旸、刘振东、毛冬、门腔、南瓜、诺米、漆漆、尚九熙、沈清、Strong、史妍、唐香玉、王十七、王越、王耀繁、小北、小海、小鹿、小罗、夏夏、贤鱼、阎鹤祥、于翔宇、臧鸿飞、朱鹤松、翟佳宁、子铭、詹鑫,带你领略喜剧的魅力!🤩🤩🤩 • 🎬制片国家/地区:中国大陆 • 🗣️语言:汉语普通话 • 🚀全新S+级喜剧IP,周星驰领衔,挖掘喜剧界新秀,一起见证喜剧小人物成长为喜剧之王!🏆🏆🏆 • 🤣幽默爆梗,快乐升级!🔄反卷模式,热血团魂!🌏多元风格,各具特色!🌟新生力量,行业焕新! • 🔥快来加入我们,体验前所未有的快乐盛宴!🎉🎉🎉 • 🔥🔥🔥 Get ready for the ultimate comedy showdown of 2024! 🎉🎉🎉 Talk Show and Its Friends is set to take the comedy world by storm! 💥💥💥 • Our all-star host lineup includes renowned personalities, leading the charge in laughter and fun! 🎤🌟 • Join a spectacular array of comedic talents as they take the stage, ready to crack you up with their wit and humor! 🎭🎉 • 🌟 The King of Stand-up Comedy Season 2024 🌟 • This season, we've got a stellar cast of comedians, each bringing their unique style and laughter to the spotlight. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of jokes and anecdotes that will keep you entertained from start to finish! • 🎬 Produced in: Mainland China • 🗣️ Language: Mandarin Chinese with English subtitles for easy Chinese learning! • 🚀 Experience a brand new S+ level comedy IP, curated to discover fresh comedy talent and见证the journey from comedy newcomers to legends! 🏆🌟 • 🤣 Packed with幽默and笑点, this series is your go-to for a laughter-filled escape! 🔄 Say goodbye to monotony with our innovative format and a spirited team dynamic! 🌏 Enjoy a variety of comedic styles, each comedian bringing something special to the table! 🌟 Get ready for a new wave of comedians, reshaping the industry one joke at a time! • 🔥 Don't miss out on this喜剧feast, now with English subtitles to make learning Chinese as fun and easy as ever! 🎉📚🔥 • #脱口秀和Ta的朋友们 #喜剧之王单口季 #搞笑 #脱口秀 #喜剧