Cowbird eggs found in my finch nest


Some birds just don’t have the ability to distinguish their own eggs from the neighbor’s eggs. The poor and unfortunate finch, in this nest, is blind to the fact that the parasitic cowbird has dropped in two eggs. Who is incubating them? The Mama Finch! And you can guess who is going to feed the babies. Mama Finch! There are 4 finch eggs and 2 cowbird eggs in the nest. The absentee parent lays eggs and then dodges all her parental duties. The probability is that the cowbird egg will hatch before the baby finch, since they have a shorter incubation period. The unfortunate part is when they hatch first, they will grow quicker and will monopolize feeding time. Sometimes the cowbird fledglings will throw out the other eggs. • I only wish that all birds could be smart like the mockingbird who knows her eggs and protects her nest from parasitic cowbirds. • Joyce Browning Horticulturist, Master Gardener Coordinator • Video credit: Bethany Evans Longwood Gardens Professional Gardener Program Alumni; CPH • The University of Maryland Extension Home and Garden Information Center's mission is to develop and deliver science-based, sustainable gardening information and solutions through outreach education for better human and environmental health. • • Send us your plant and pest questions. Our Certified Professional Horticulturists are ready to help! • • Explore our extensive gardening content online.


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