AQA A Level Biology Surface Area to Volume Ratio
Unlock full course: Today you’re going to learn about Exchange Between Organisms in particular Surface Area to Volume Ratio from the A-Level Biology AQA Specification and feel confident about exam technique! ✅ Watch all the videos for FREE on alongside our textbook and free flashcards. • A-Level Biology especially for AQA can be tough but fortunately we’ve made this tutorial to help you score the A* you need for questions on Surface Area to Volume Ratio. ✅ • 📒The three main aims of this tutorial are to cover: 📒 • 1. Surface Area to Volume Ratio • 2. Calculating the Ratio • 3. Gas Exchange Organisms • • Exchange is Important (1:48) • Organisms must exchange substances. Most exchange happens at cell membranes. • Surface Area to Volume Ratio (2:14) • Surface area is the total area of the parts of the cell that are in direct contact with the environment. The volume of the cell is a measure of the size of the contents of the cell. The surface area to volume ratio determines the rate of exchange. The ratio is measured by first calculating the surface area (SA) of a cell and dividing it by the volume (V) of a cell. The greater the surface area to volume ratio, the greater the efficiency of exchange. • Gas Exchange in Organisms (4:08) • Small organisms can use diffusion for gas exchange. Large organisms cannot rely on simple diffusion. Large organisms have a specialised gas exchange system. • To catch our latest videos, subscribe and leave a comment below on a video you’d like us to record! • 👇 Subscribe to Study Mind with ONE CLICK👇 • 👇Revise with free past papers BY TOPIC for AQA A-Level Biology👇 • • 👇Get personalised 1-1 Tutoring at £30ph for GUARANTEED improvement👇 • • Tags: #AQABiology #ALevelBiology #StudyMind #SurfaceArea #VolumeRatio