fischertechnik ping pong robot ball machine
fischertechnik ball machine - ball launcher, training tool for ping pong / table tennis - technique - supports training of smashing and movement. This self designed maschine supports different kinds of spin - top, side and backpin with different strength. Machine is controlled by PC. A simple user interface allows adjustment of angle, tilt, spin rotation and waiting time after each ball. Programming in fischertechnik RoboPro. • The ball-pump is designed in analogy to • fischertechnik Kugelpumpe - Marble Pump just adapted to table tennis balls. • You find comparable commercial machines. This one has fully been realized with the Fischertechnik construction tool set on demand of my son, as due to the Corona crisis the table-tennis training was cancelled. • Have fun constructing your own table tennis ball launcher. There are many ways to built simpler versions - just check out alternative examples on Youtube.