Tour of our DIY PEX Water Line Plumbing Water is Life


ABOVE THE LINE THINKING • Above the line thinking is about being open and curious. It’s being able to respond effectively and usefully in any given situation. It’s about starting with an intention and then working out how you can actually bring it into play, e.g. • What are my responsibilities here? • How can I accept what's happening without blaming someone else? • Where I can take ownership and accountability? • How did I contribute to this? • What could I be doing differently? • Where is my role in this situation? • How can I make a difference? • How can I be helpful and of service to someone else? • How can I cooperate? • How can I support? • How can I add value? • How can I involve the right people? • BELOW THE LINE THINKING • When your thinking is below the line, you're protecting and defending yourself either passively (not contributing at all), or aggressively (by attacking others). This type of thinking is about trying to avoid responsibility, criticism and loss of control, e.g. • Blame • Denial • Excuses and justification • They're wrong • It’s not my fault • It's got to be my way • I don’t trust what they're saying • #accountability #leadership #attitude


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