Dance of Life Powerful Music and the Refreshing Mountain Stream
#BrunoGroening #Music #Einstellen • The music begins with the heartbeat of the earth. Nature awakens; the zest for life pulsates. The day generates its power, and the world awakens to the dance of life. In addition, there are beautiful shots of the splashing, foaming and roaring mountain stream. • Fresh, soothing sounds full of joy; the composer called it the gift of being allowed to live. Add to that the unruly power of the rippling, flowing and flooding waters. A magnificent connection of imagery and music - the harmony of vigor and beauty. • Music: • Dance of Life • First movement from the suite of the same name in D major. • by Christoph Pesch • ================= • With music, we can feel the healing power more intensely. • Bruno Gröning friends composed and recorded these pieces of music. The singers, musicians, and composers in the Circle of Friends do all this voluntarily, with no form of payment. Their motivation is their love of music and the wonderful effects which unfold for those who listen to it. Through listening to this music, it is possible, when doing Einstellen, to receive the healing force, to perceive and experience it more intensely. It is this healing force which effects the healings. • ================= • You can subscribe to this channel: • / brunogroeningorgen • Our Music Playlist: • • MUSIC by Bruno Gröning Friends • Documentary Film about Bruno Groening • • The PHENOMENON BRUNO GROENING – docum... • For more information and contact: • • #BrunoGroening #Music #Einstellen