STP’s most technologically advanced additive ULTRA 5in1Ad
STP ULTRA 5in1 Fuel System Cleans Entire Fuel System from the tank, fuel pump, lines, injectors to the combustion chamber. It also lubricates as well to prolong the moving parts by reducing wear from friction. If that wasn't enough, it also protects against harmful corrosion and deposits from ethanol. Use it every oil change or 4,000 miles. • • Learn more here → • Get STP 5in1 fuel system cleaner here → • Connect with me socially on these social media spaces (plus that's where I announce contest winners) • Facebook → briansmobile1 • Instagram → briansmobile1 • Twitter → briansmobile1 • Disclaimer: • DO YOUR HOMEWORK before making a decision based on information you find on the internet, YouTube, or anywhere else when it comes to your car, the environment, or your safety. • briansmobile1 assumes no liability for injury or property damage incurred as a result of the presentation of this information contained in this here video or any of the other briansmobile1 videos. • briansmobile1 recommends safe practices including the use of personal protective equipment such as eye protection, hearing protection, gloves, guards, shields, and respiratory protective devices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. • Due to factors beyond the control of briansmobile1, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. • Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility and to be used at the discretion of the end user/viewer and not briansmobile1. • I am an Amazon affiliate, Prime member, and general Amazon nut. • This video was fueled (sponsored) by STP #ad • • Easter egg contest for subscribers who read the SHOW MORE. I'll be giving away 2 $50 VISA gift cards (cost of average oil change and a bottle of STP ULTRA 5in1 on me!) to randomly selected commenters/subscribers that say: “Cleaner, faster, better baby!” (copy and paste it- I use software and a random number generator to pick the winner. If it's not an exact match it won't show up) Winners will be announced Monday August 7th 2017 on both briansmobile1 facebook page and on briansmobile1 on Instagram! (that's how I get the address to send the card to) GOOD LUCK!