The Physics of a Van de Graaff Generator
This short animation describes the physics behind the Van de Graaff Generator. • A Van de Graaff Generator makes use of the Triboelectric effect to transport electrons from a source to a sink, generating a large potential difference in the process which can result in a spark. • Narrated by Muhammad Omar and animated by Nasir Yousufi. • 0:00 Introduction • 0:24 Triboelectric effect • 1:23 Anatomy of the Generator • 1:53 How it works (at the bottom) • 3:05 How it works (at the top) • 4:22 What causes the spark? • 4:51 Overview • Disclaimer: image of Robert Van de Graaff by Suaima sourced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. •