Hardanger Embroidery Lesson 9 Woven Bars
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=PgYYa5lMjy4
I am a self taught hardanger stitcher. These videos will show how I stitch hardanger. The methods I use are not necessarily the “right” way to stitch, and could very well be the wrong way, but they work for me and I wanted to share this. • I am an amateur video maker with an older Sony camera and no editing software. I can not pause, re-start, edit out or make any other changes to the video. Please feel free to fast forward or back track. • An excellent book of instruction for Hardanger Embroidery is “Basics and Beyond” by Janice Love. The continuation to this is “Fundamentals Made Fancy”, also by Janice Love. • Some stores I’ve purchased instructions, patterns and materials are: • Nordic Needle in Fargo North Dakota (USA) • Traditional Stitches in Calgary Alberta (Canada) • Gitta’s in Mississauga Ontario (Canada) • If you would like a good basic starter kit for Hardanger Embroidery I would recommend looking at the Nordic Needle website, they have quite a few. Here’s one very basic one - • http://www.nordicneedle.com/prod/K215... • Good luck and, most importantly, have fun!