Simple antenna switch
From the savoir of ham radio, OH2FFY himself states: • QUOTE: On Youtube there is a Basic Class Op from Canada. • He makes videos about the things that he does in his shack. • Occasionally he builds things and for the most part , it is just trash cobbled together. • His construction standards are VERY poor to say the least. • But he wasn't interested. • Of course it is just a matter of time before he blows the front end out of a connected receiver when he transmits with another radio connected through this switch box as it has poor isolation between the ports. • This means that antenna switch does not fully isolate other radios when they are switched out. • In turn that means that RF from the transmitter not only goes to the antenna , but also to the other connected radios. • This is NOT good. ! • • How does he respond when others offer him advice , or even hints that he has done something wrong ? • He gets abusive , rants , and deletes comments , only allowing comments which pat him on the back and say ''Well done - Nice work''. • The fact is , his work is TRASH , and he is so uneducated and ignorant that he doesn't even know it. • He takes EVERY comment that doesn't agree with him as being a personal insult , obviously (in his mind) due to his being a low level license holder. • The funny thing , is that he has been making this same trash for nearly 2 decades and STILL hasn't learned anything. • You may claim that Standards and Advanced Hams pick on your work or what you do , and you consider them to be assholes..... but the shoe also fits on the other foot , there are Basics , F's and Techs that are so up themselves that they can no longer see daylight. • When higher level Hams offer help , they just either ignore them , or get upset and play the victim. UNQUOTE •