Solar Panel hotspots using thermal imaging
The naked eye cannot see or identify a failed solar panel. • The continuous growth of the solar industry brings an ever-expanding base of solar installations. While many solar panels are expected to provide a 20-year life span, this is often not the case with cheaper quality solar panels but even high-quality panel can fail prematurely. • thermography technology can save time and make troubleshooting solar panel installations an easy and cost-effective service. • Thermal imaging cameras look for panel hotspots. Overheated cells can damage the casing material and cause delamination. • When modules overheat due to shading, defective cells, or substrings these overheating components consume energy instead of producing energy, the module efficiency can drop by around .5% per degree Celcius. • Where do the hotspots come from? • Shade on the module or a defective cell can change the module from power production to power consumption resulting in heating the cell which will show as a hotspot in a thermal image. A defective or mismatched bypass diode may cause the same effect. • Solar panel hotspots create two issues: • Fall in overall power production since cells consume power instead of producing. • Power consumption continues to heat up cells and affect the production of neighbouring cells. • Feel free to leave comments on this video. • #solarsystemsurvey #whatshouldyouknowaftergoingsolar #getyoursolarsystemchecked •