The newbs guide to Throttlestop and Undervolting please read the description
To make throttlestop launch on a specific (safe) profile, open the options menu, tick the AC profile option, and set the number to the profile number you want throttlestop to open on. In this way, if you crash, you will still open on a safe profile. • If you get an error about mfc120u.dll missing , download and install BOTH x64 and x86 versions of this: • Please be aware you must be on an Intel Haswell (4th generation; 4xxxU/M/MQ/H/HQ) or later CPU to access the FIVR option for voltage control. • You can find a link to the latest version of Throttlestop in the first post of the Throttlestop Guide, or in Unclewebb's signature on the Notebookreview forums, found here: