Intro to Mikkyo the Secret Teachings


I have made an advanced Mikkyo Vortex Mediation that can be seen here- • • This course can open you up to a whole new world of power, and possibilites, within yourself. • This is an introduction to Mikkyo and the on-line course for beginners. I review what is covered in the on-line Mikkyo course; hand mudras and matras that correspond to specific meridians and chakras. How we activate the energetic body, use the sword hand mudra to project the Mikkyo Grid. We then use the Mikkyo Grid to project our intentions (or Reiki Symbols) out into our environment. • We raise our energy and frequency, then bring objects or situations in our surrounding into resonance with ourselves. • The course covers practical uses of Mikkyo along with examples, and the source of the Mikkyo system that I share. (The Shingon Temple in Honolulu.) We will also discuss the roots and history of Mikkyo after it reached Japan, hundreds of years ago. • Because dozens of different sects, warrior clans and tribes have used some system or version of Mikkyo, it is not possible to cover all the different variations of Mikkyo that exist. What is presented in this course, is a summary of what I learned in the Shingon Temple in Honolulu. Many variations of finger placement in mudras exist, and reflect a different use, focus or intent of the group applying them. That means, other types of Mikkyo exist, one is not better than the other, they just have different uses, origins or intents.


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